Games competitions

(7 games) - page 1 -

free game Mini duels battle Mini duels battle

games > competitions

Enter a world full of diverse mini-games where_ you can play alone or with friends. You can choose whether to play basketball, boxing, duels... This is an exciting game where_ you can choose your favourite to compete with your friends. The first to reach five points secures victory over his opponent. With a total of 16 games to choose from_, the fun is unlimited.

free game Handstand run Handstand run

games > competitions

Choose the inclination of the legs you want your character to have in order to go faster.

free game Tomb of the mask neon Tomb of the mask neon

games > competitions

Reach the hole at the end to pass to the next level. If you die you will have to replay the level

free game Motocross Motocross

games > competitions

Achieve the highest score possible without falling and losing all 3 lives.

free game The differences The differences

games > competitions

Find the differences to beat your opponents and win the tournament

free game Crazy taxis Crazy taxis

games > competitions

You drive a taxi that is in a rush to make its way

free game Digital switch Digital switch

games > competitions

Five robots have the function to get stars and to do so they have to play small competitions

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